Wednesday Night B.L.A.S.T.

"B.L.A.S.T." is our Wednesday Evening ministry that occurs from September through April. Our goal is to feed the body, the soul, and the mind through discipleship and connection. We have a meal* (a $3 donation is appreciated, not to exceed $10 per family), followed by teaching for ALL AGES. There are age appropriate activities for Kids and Youth that provide teaching, fun, and other activities led by our Kids Ministry Team and Youth Ministry Team.  The meal starts at 5:30pm and classes run from 6:30pm until 7:30pm. Don't miss out on this opportunity for physical, mental, and spiritual nourishment!



Deepening Your Relationship with God”

- Conf. Rm. 1

Connie Covington

This class will help you to develop a stronger relationship with the Lord. Go deeper, to better impact your life and the lives of those around you.

"A Man and His Marriage" & 

"A Man and His Fatherhood"

Room- 213

Kevin Harris

(Men's Study)

We hope to give insight on how to be a better husband and father. This class is from the 33 series that the Men's Ministry started last spring. Come join us for some great open discussion among men, and the skill we can all improve on in life. You do not need to be married or a father to get a lot from this class. 

"The Story" WITH Group

- Room- 204

Pastor Marc & Becky Robbs

This class is a WITH group that will review the churchwide study at Emmanuel called “The Story”.

"Group Hug"

- Room- 211

Cindi Wilson

(Women’s Study)

Engaging God's Word on everyday topics and delving deeper into relationships with your kingdom sisters. 

“Intercessory Prayer”

Room- 202

Sue Feeney

How God can use your prayers to move heaven and earth. 


Room- Library

Joyce Steffen

Activate is a new Biblical world view training course from the American Family Association, that will provide training to help you respond to the culture with God’s Word. The video teachings will focus on sanctity of human life, marriage, and family, religious liberty, and Biblical stewardship, and how to apply the principles in daily life. This will be a September through April commitment because it’s a 18 session class. There is so much tremendous information in this series on how to respond to the culture and defend what the Bible says.




Youth 6th-12th Grade- Rooms 300 & 205

Children-Nursery-5th Grade- Worship Center/KIDS Hallway

6:30pm- 7:30pm, Wednesdays, January 15-April 9

Updated Menu.pdf

     b.l.a.s.t. sPRING 2025


***Please Note- This menu is subject to change.